Sunday, August 21, 2005

Peace via the Prince of Peace

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us . . . And His name will be called . . . Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)

Your heart can’t help but break watching Israeli troops earlier this past week uprooting fellow Jews from their homes in the Gaza Strip. It’s all been a part of an effort to bring about peace in a region of the world marred by violence. But will this move produce the intended effects? Will Palestinian extremists finally cease their terrorist ways and live peaceably with their Jewish neighbors? I don’t profess to be a Middle East expert (I read Hal Lindsey, however!), but it’s not hard to answer: “No.” After all, Israel has been doing this kind of thing (giving up land for peace) for years and it hasn’t worked yet. Why would it now? No, my friends. Peace will not come via this Gaza Strip pullout. Nor will it come via that person (the Antichrist) who will sign a peace treaty with Israel in the very near future (Dan. 9:27). No, real peace for Israel will only come when God’s people (the Jews) open their hearts to the Messiah (the Lord Jesus Christ). He came the first time and they didn’t recognize Him. He is coming a second time and they will recognize Him. And finally there will be peace in the Middle East when the Prince of Peace arrives on this earth, beloved. He is near!


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